Does Blue Cross Blue Shield Ppo Cover Ariosa Diagnostics Nipt Testing

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NIPT Blue Cross Blue Shield

Does anyone happen to know if NIPT is covered by Blue Cross Blue Shield if you're under the age of 35? Or if not, how much you pay out of pocket?

I was recommended to just get the First Trimester Screening and not get the NIPT because I'm under 35. But just curious. TIA!


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I don't have blue cross blue shield but I got pamphlets for 3 different NIPT tests, which are the major ones they offer. Harmony. Panorama. One said specifically they accept my insurance. Apparently only if you're over 35 though. They do self pay prices which are $250-300 out of pocket if you're interested. I figured I'd save the money because that's enough to buy a crib...


man, I wish I would have gotten pamphlets like that! I received one pamphlet of info but it was general to NIPT and didn't offer information about the specific tests. And it definitely didn't mention anything about insurance.

This is my second pregnancy and I never had NIPT with my first. I just had the regular first trimester screening and all was well. And I believe that was covered by my insurance. I think I'll just do that again.

Besides, if something is a concern in my first trimester screening, won't they recommend further testing anyway?


Not sure if its covered but im also doing nipt and i have blue cross blue shield illinois and im 26 they have pretty good coverage so hopefully most of it will be covered 🤷🏻‍♀️ u can call and ask tho if ur curious


any news regarding this? I also have BCBSIL.


Also curious. I also have BCBSIL. Did they cover it? I am 32.



Hi! I know this thread was a while ago, but did you end up getting the NIPT testing and how much did it cost you? I also have BCBS IL.



that's what I was told, which is when my office gave me the pamphlets. Insurance said some were covered but then I found out it's only if you're 35+.


I remember calling insurance to inquire during my last pregnancy. And it ended up being such a hassle because they apparently needed a specific code and I had to then call the OB's office and get the code, then call insurance back. First world problems I know! I'll probably call anyway though just to have all the facts! Thanks!

Mine said not to pay the original bill and reach out to their contact who will help you settle it around $100-150 out of pocket. Your office May do something similar- worth asking!


hmmmm good to know! Thanks!!


Been wondering this too. My OBGYN said it's $350 if they don't.



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I have BCBS and am under 35. NxGen is one of the NIPT tests and they only charge $49 if you're not using insurance, so we are only paying $49!

I have BCBS and I think they only cover if you have something that indicates your baby may have chromosomal problems or you are older than 35. my baby shower clubfeet at ultrasound which is potentially indicative of down syndrome so I was covered but if I didn't have that then I wouldn't be

I have blue cross and it is NOT covered if you're under 35. They deem it as unnecessary


i have bcbs and im 28 and they didn't cover it for me. I know people who made sure they didn't have the clinic run it through the insurance simply because it will bounce back and thousands of dollars. They usually pay out of pocket price and usually under 500$.


I don't believe so. I didn't get it but I think I remember reading that if you're not of advanced maternal age nor your dr/ultrasound tech found some abnormalities it's not covered. I should add that I have the federal BCBS.

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